Saturday, May 11, 2013

Mother's Day

Mother's day is on us today. First let me thank my mother for everything she did and does for us even today. She took care of 3 kids in her time and I think she deserves a medal of some kind!

Now if I think about my motherhood.... I'm really very grateful for my daughter. But since the day she arrived in my womb, it has all been about her...Those doctor visits...reading endless food charts, net-browsing to make sure there is enough calcium, iron, omega-3s and what nots in my diet. And all I wanted to do for the first 5 months of pregnancy was puke. It was only the beginning...

After what seemed a lot of time, came the day of delivery. The result of my hard-work for the last 9 months was going to be out, literally. I'll always remember that night when I twisted, groaned and suffered in pain. Come morning, continued the pain...and I bore it all for a normal delivery until the last minute when the Gyno came and said they'll operate. My heart was very heavy, and that was as close to a heart attack that I have ever been in my life. Seriously!

Our daughter departed from me but she left some wounds that took time to heal. The first 2-3 days were so helpless, being unable to move, feel part of your own body and those weird hormones. Then came a bad phase for the next 3 months were everybody including me was convinced she is a little under weight. So I nursed every now and then. The one thing I terribly missed was my night's sleep or even 3-4 hrs of continuous sleep. I just wanted someone to take her away for some time and I would promise to shower so much love when she is back. That didn't happen. I'm very sure I did not get a straight night sleep for the next 6-7 months.

Time Flies. She turned 3 this year. The journey so far as been mind-boggling: from refusing to eat to resistant to potty training, from teaching her manners, to handling her temper tantrums...and spitting, biting, head banging...our daughter has thrown everything on our way. Thankfully there is Google and so many forums. It can be a relief to see other parents going through similar or worse.

But there is something about 'Motherhood', isn't it? The first time I got my hands on that ultrasound picture, it was the proudest feeling of my life. I understood why mothers would be compared to God, for we can create life. I'll never forget the moment when the Gyno was ready to take her out of me, and how I closed my eyes and wished she has all 10 fingers and 10 toes. And then she appeared with her wide open eyes, my angel. Today she can cry furiously for more then an hour, but once it's all over I still want to slide her in my arms and absorb her sobs.

So being a mother is an ongoing journey of highs and lows. It's a discovery of our own selves, patience, persistence and love. My message to all the wonderful mothers - "When Life throws Kids at us fellow Women, we make a Motherhood out of it!"

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