Friday, October 21, 2011

You and I, in this beautiful world...

This post is for you my dear husband for turning a year older. And I’m excited for the many more to come, as we continue to grow, discover, quarrel and love each other, even more every single day.
It’s weekend. I wake up and look by my side. It is so comforting to see you there. Your gentle face is wrapped up in a deep sleep. You look so innocent and refreshing just like the subtle splashes of the cool breeze entering our room slowly. I get up and I'm all smiles. But then - The clock takes a 90 minute leap forward and you are still sleeping! My smile has given way to a 'Cmon get-up now' expression. It's when I’m thinking about my to-do list for the weekend, dirty dishes in the kitchen sink, grocery and rounds of laundry. If looks can kill my eyes just mean to do that. And there you are as naive as ever still dreaming. 
A pair of dirty socks - I expect to find them every day or night at different places in our house. Sometimes they are stuffed on the sides of sofa or caught unaware beneath the stack of newspapers. Sometimes they rest in the corner of the TV table or just tossed outside the closet. There are days when I think, ‘Finally I'm done with all the cleaning’, and I pick my purse on the table to keep it away, and there they are –‘the dirty ugly socks’! This time I pick them up and throw them away and scold you. ‘What are these socks doing here?’ You look surprised and you pick them up and start scolding the socks, so genuinely without a second thought, ‘What are you socks doing here?’ And we end up laughing.
You didn’t do it. You said you didn’t. One day when you were putting dishes in the dishwasher, a drinking glass broke. The other day you were transferring the wheat flour to a can and there was a white powdery substance all over the kitchen floor. Your half an hour cooking adventure in kitchen leads to my one hour of putting things where they belonged. But you don’t create mess or spills, you say you don’t. And yet there are things that go wrong in my absence. I believe it is just nature’s way of balancing the peace, quiet and beauty I want around myself in our house. Thank you! For without you, my world would be so imperfectly perfect.

1 comment:

  1. What a heartwarming post Tanu! Can feel the warmth in each word. Hope this has been read by Sandeep :-)
