Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Oh So Chard!

Think Green! that's what I thought when my hubby came home one day from his office with a bag full of green leafy things. It was not spinach or mustard leaves, definitely not coriander. That's what my 6 years in US has done to my world of green vegetables. So I asked him what they were. It took him a second and he said, 'That's Chard'. One of his colleague has a home garden and it had graciously come from there.

Well I had no idea what Chard was, so I wrote this word down first and then next morning when it was time for lunch, I googled. First line in wiki read - 'Chard also known by other common names such as Swiss chard, silverbeet, perpetual spinach, spinach beet, crab beet, bright lights (due to the bright and vivid spring colors when they are cooked or provided as a medley of vegetables), seakale beet, and mangold, is a leafy vegetable.' Then few more minutes into google and I got the impression that it can be cooked similar to spinach. And that's what I did.

I'm not a fan of green vegetables. Right from cleaning to cutting to cooking them appears a cumbersome process. But it was something about the vibrant red, yellow and creamy stems of Chard, that when thinly cut on top of the green cushion of leafs beneath, kept my enthusiasm going. After seasoning of cumin, black mustard and methi seeds with quick stir fry of onions and garlic, I finished it off with some coriander and pepper powder.

The result was a delicious green vegetable (that's the whole reason I'm writing this post). I could relate the taste to the radish leaves that my mom cooked and I absolutely loved. So if you haven't tried Chard yet, bring it home.

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